The Green Party of Virginia endorses and publicly supports the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality Day After Action Demonstration

The Green Party of Virginia endorses and publicly supports the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality Day After Action Demonstration as stated here by the Defenders:

As part of the global antiwar and anti-imperialist movement, the Antiwar Committee of the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality is calling on activists in Virginia to prepare for emergency “day-after” protests in the event of a U.S. or U.S.-ordered military attack on Iran or any other country.

Green Party of Virginia Condemns Violence At Capitol Building; Calls For Election Reforms To Restore Trust

The Green Party of Virginia (GPVA) condemns the violence that erupted at the Capitol Building today from protestors seeking to overturn the results of the Nov 3rd Presidential election. Nonviolent civil disobedience has formed an important part of many struggles for justice over the years, but violence cannot be allowed to recklessly and egregiously endanger others expressing their first amendment rights nor those being protested.

The Green Party of Virginia Affirms Support for the Trans Community Calls for Systemic Social Justice Reforms on Transgender Remembrance Day

As Transgender Awareness Week wanes and Transgender Remembrance Day begins, we in the Green Party of Virginia are mindful of the 34 known trans and gender non-conforming individuals who have lost their lives to transphobic violence this year. (1) The Green Party Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity platform plank, in keeping with the Green Key Values of diversity, social justice and feminism, supports full legal and political equality for all persons regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity, characteristics, and expression. (2)

Green Party of Virginia Statement on the 2020 Presidential Election Results

The Green Party of Virginia wishes to thank our members and allies across the state for voting Green for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker during the 2020 election. Every vote for the Green Party sent the message to the two-party establishment that we refuse to give away our power to a system that does not represent our values. As Hawkins said, we refused to get "lost in the sauce."

GPVA State Business Meeting


Sunday, October 25, 2020 - 1:00pm

Teleconference Meeting
Sunday, October 25th, 2020, 1pm

The focus of this business meeting is the November election, particularly supporting our write-in candidate for president, organizing for passing out literature at polling places, and so on. We will also consider our strategic plans for the future, and how to increase public awareness of our party and platform.

Event type: 

Green Party of Virginia Statement: Democratic Governors Joint Statement on Threats to American Democracy Is Hypocrisy

On September 30th Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's Office released a "Governors Joint Statement" signed by Northam and 10 other Democratic governors, purporting to affirm that they "do not take for granted the sacred right of every American to cast a vote, and to have that vote counted.” (1) They further affirmed that they had a "solemn duty" to ensure the integrity of our democratic processes. But in reality, there is a significant disconnect between these governors' fine words and the actions of the Democratic Party in this election.

Statement on Labor Day 2020

As we celebrate Labor Day and the past successes of the labor movement, we continue to mobilize for just working conditions, pay, and benefits for the working class. Workers have united to bring about revolutionary changes in past struggles, however, the modern-day labor movement has been increasingly derailed by the corporate Democratic and Republican Parties.

Green Party of Virginia Moves to Write-In Campaign for President Cites Virginia State Barriers for Lack of Ballot Access

The Green Party of Virginia (GPVA) today announced that it will be moving to a write-in campaign for its presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker, due to insufficient petition signatures of qualified voters for ballot access. This will be the first time in sixteen years that there will not be a Green Party presidential ticket printed on the ballot in Virginia.

Green Party of Virginia Declares Solidarity with Sanders Delegation In Their Demands For Medicare for All

The Green Party of Virginia (GPVA) declared its support for the Bernie Sanders delegates to the Democratic National Convention who voted today in opposition to the party's rejection of Medicare for All. The Green Party has supported universal, single-payer healthcare for decades, and its nominee, Howie Hawkins, remains the only presidential candidate running on a platform that includes a community-centered single-payer Medicare For All system.

Statement on Juneteenth 2020

This Juneteenth as we celebrate the day the last slaves were freed in America, we must also be cognizant of the continuing legacies of slavery rooted in the triple evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism that have been ongoing for centuries. The last five decades of Democratic and Republican Party rule have culminated in a system of modern-day slavery founded on racially discriminatory laws. Jim Crow, segregation, redlining, the War on Drugs, for-profit prisons and mass incarceration serve to further empower and enrich the ruling class.


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