Green Party of Virginia Condemns Syrian Strike

RICHMOND, VA - The Green Party of Virginia, in accordance with international law,
condemns all unilateral military intervention against the sovereignty of another country, whether
by the United States, Russia, or the European Union. The only appropriate venue for the
application of military power abroad is through the United Nations unless the United States has
been directly and decisively attacked by a foreign state.

Virginia Condemns the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast Pipelines

It is a simple matter of biology that humans need clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. We crave a home connected to a broader community through ties of history. We rely on climactic stability to produce the crops which sustain modern civilization. Yet shortsighted forces in Washington, Richmond, and private industry have threatened all of these with the construction of two interstate natural gas pipelines, the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP).

GPVA Responds to the State of the Union

Contrary to the views of President Trump, we will not make our country stronger or safer by demonizing immigrants. International peace will never be secured through violence and unbridled militarism. Wasting over $1,000,000,000 on expanding the world's largest nuclear arsenal will not deter our enemies, but merely create more opportunities for accidents. Tax cuts have meant nothing to the millions of workers who haven't received a raise in decades. Violating the civil liberties of immigrants, suspected criminals, and American citizens will never make us more secure.

Hate Groups not welcome in Charlottesville -- Or in Virginia

RICHMOND, VA- Hundreds of haters will gather in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, and the Green Party of Virginia joins with millions of our citizens in proclaiming that there is no place for them in our commonwealth. They represent what the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as "a broad spectrum of far-right extremist groups – from immigration foes to anti-Semitic bigots, neo-Confederates, Proud Boys, Patriot and militia types, outlaw bikers, swastika-wearing neo-Nazis, white nationalists and Ku Klux Klan members," rallying under the banner "Unite the Right."

Current Green Party Campaigns in Virginia

For the November 7th, 2017 election the Green Party of Virginia has five candidates for House of Delegates. You can support our candidates by visiting their websites, volunteering, and donating. Please help us be the independent voice for Virginians—for People, Peace, and Planet.

District maps are available HERE.

Green Party Nominates Four Candidates for Virginia House of Delegates

Seats in House of Delegates To Be Contested

Culpeper, VA., January 31, 2017

The Green Party of Virginia voted to nominate its first round of candidates for the House of Delegates at its bi-annual business meeting in Culpeper, Virginia on Saturday Jan 28th, 2017.

Candidates are:

New Website

Sunflower picture

The GPVA IT Committee has transferred the contents of the main website to Drupal. We have also now transferred our membership database. Current members should NOT create new accounts on this site -- You should instead check your email for login instructions. All others are welcome to join the party now by creating new accounts.

There is also a Nationbuilder site in progress at :


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