GPAX document

Green Party US Peace Action Committee, GPAX, Declares a Local, International and Global Environmental and Peace Emergency!

The threats to life on our beautiful planet are multiple and connected.

Every day the world moves closer to the edge of extinction. Wildfires, floods, droughts and heatwaves threaten every corner of the planet as the climate crisis spins out of control.

At the same time, forever wars rage with the US ongoing proxy wars in Ukraine and Gaza that have killed tens of thousands and threaten to engulf the whole world, with the ultimate possibility of a catastrophic nuclear war. The change of administrations in the United States, which signals a move from a 20th century covert imperialism to its historically traditional overt form, may prove to be an even greater threat.

The focal point for these concerns continues to be Gaza and the West Bank in occupied Palestine. Despite a fragile ceasefire, (at the time of this writing) the US and Israel continue to create an ever more dangerous international emergency in pursuit of a Greater Israel. The humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to be dire, with the only proposed “solution” being the ethnic cleansing of 2 million people and the creation of an Israeli Riviera. This genocide has not been about Israel's security but, in fact, threatens the safety of Israelis. And it has been a violation of international humanitarian law and a grave injustice to the Palestinian people.

In pursuit of Israel’s goals, thousands of Lebanese have died and hundreds of locations in Syria have been bombed by the U.S. and by Israel with U.S.-supplied munitions. Since September 2024, both the U.S. and Israel have taken deliberate steps to isolate Iran and its allies in the region. A war with Iran would be disastrous for us all.

A recent poll indicated that some 75% of the global population wants an end to the genocide in Gaza and the continued U.S.-supported Israeli violence in the region. The world now sees the violence that has been part of Israel’s settler colonialist project since 1948. The US must show it cares more about the people living in the US and the safety and security of the rest of the world than supporting Israel's agenda in the Middle East.

Now several countries face the threat by the Trump administration of being absorbed into the U.S. empire, a goal which can only be realized through military force.

All this violence increases the risk of a wider war and ultimately a nuclear war and should put the whole world on alert. The situation is critical and potentially explosive, literally and figuratively.

The Green Party US Peace Action Committee (GPAX) calls again for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, Palestine that continues after the release of hostages and prisoners and prohibits Israel’s incursions into the West Bank and calls for an end to the Israeli occupation.

GPAX calls for the declaration of a GLOBAL EMERGENCY. More needs to be done to protect the population of Gaza and the West Bank by ending incursions, sieges and forced starvation and returning control of their lands to the Palestinian people.

GPAX calls for a real ceasefire in Lebanon, not one that gives the U.S. more power to intervene in the country and region.

We also call for an end to U.S. and Israeli presence in Syria, to return sovereignty to the Syrian people. The U.S., Turkiye, and Israel need to get out of the way, so that the Syrian people, together with a rejuvenated U.N., can work to guarantee that all peoples in Syria are respected.

The Green Party joins hands in solidarity with the thousands of students who have been threatened for standing up for justice! We call for everyone to get involved in their local peace movement in whatever ways they can. Building on past efforts, the Green Party will make a major effort to work with other progressives and radicals in building the ongoing events and actions, including support for the BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) movement. Our main goal is to build a bigger and more massive peace movement, in order to challenge and stop U.S. imperialism.

GPAX also calls for resistance to the Trump government's bellicose policies and those that attack constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. We do this understanding perfectly well that the Democrats laid the groundwork for this moment.
The Green Party should, thus, join in building multi-issue coalitions from the grassroots uniting the many struggles while linking them to the peace issue. GPAX will work to increase our involvement with other key national peace groups: Jewish Voice for Peace, Veterans For Peace, UNAC, etc. Along with state Green parties and other like-minded organizations, we can work to develop these connections.

GPAX urges the peace movement to unite in support of the Palestinians as well as to end the war in Ukraine and the threats to Iran and China. There are too many places where people are facing forced starvation and on-going violence, including the Congo, Sudan, Haiti, Cuba, South and Central America, where US interference is causing tremendous hardship for the people.

It is well past time for the world to rely on diplomacy and negotiations, instead of continued violence and war. The people demand it and the Earth requires it.

GPAX asks that this statement be circulated to state and local Green Party chapters and that the chapters send their endorsement to or to the local person in these organizations who can send the endorsement to the above email address.