[umw-greens] Scheduling an initial meeting of the UMW Campus Greens

The UMW Campus Greens Mailing List umw-greens at vagreenparty.org
Tue Feb 21 05:36:07 EST 2017

*Hey everyone -- Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your patience!*

/Also, sorry if you have had trouble in the past using this mailing list 
-- I found and fixed the problem, and you should now be able to send 
email to the other members of your group just by addressing it to 
umw-greens at vagreenparty.org <mailto:umw-greens at vagreenparty.org> ./

I found a great, willing professor (Stephen Davies) to serve as faculty 
sponsor for this group, but he's pretty busy, so I'm having trouble 
getting his attention toward answering a few questions, like:

"/When would be a good date & time-of-day to hold the initial 
meeting?/";  i.e. not during exams, vacations, etc.

"/What would be the best available room in which to hold the initial 

So, I figured I'd take these questions to you, the students, since this 
is your group to either sustain or let die. During November's Jill Stein 
event, we collected the names of 10 students who wanted to join the 
group (that's you!).  Hopefully you left the event with the same sense 
of purpose and determination I did, to stand up and be counted -- for 
peace, government accountability, corporate and social responsibility, 
ecology, and justice.

/*We need one of these students to reserve a room and time for this 
initial kickoff meeting, and report back to me.*/ I'll take care of 
putting together flyers, posters, and radio spots to promote this 
meeting, but I may need help getting these materials "approved" and 
posted on campus.

At the meeting itself (which will be open to all students), we will get 
started on the necessary documentation to get formally recognized, and 
maybe elect officers (e.g. president, treasurer, etc.).   I'll get up 
and talk about the history of the Green Party, and what distinguishes us 
from other parties. _Yes, there will be free pizza_.

I've done this all before (twice) at UMW, but need your help, because 
I'm not a student, which is required in order to reserve rooms, post 
notices, and submit formal documentation.  This makes sense, because 
this is a STUDENT-RUN organization. I'm only here as a representative of 
the national and state Green Party to help get things started.  From 
then on, you can run this group the way you want to!  We especially need 
freshmen & sophomore involvement, because they will be crucial toward 
keeping this group alive from year-to-year, so I don't need to keep 
coming back to re-start things. :-)

So, start thinking about how we can best promote this new group and its 
kickoff meeting.  Maybe think about putting your talents to work as an 
officer. Think about which friends you know might want to join, or what 
particular topics you want to discuss at this meeting and future 
meetings.   Trump and the Republicans are wasting no time screwing 
things up, and the Democrats (as usual) are falling down on the job of 
stopping them --- maybe because they all feed from the same corporate 
trough...  We Greens have proven, viable solutions to the country's 
problems, and we take no corporate donations EVER, which gives us a path 
toward actually being able to execute these solutions. By the way, did I 
mention -- *We have our own Green Party candidate for the VA State House 
of Delegates, right here in Fredericksburg.*  His name is Gerald 
Anderson, and he'd love to come visit one of your meetings, to talk 
about his campaign.  With a little help from you, we could get him 
elected, as perhaps the first alternative-party member of the House ever!

Thanks much!

- Chris Fink, Fredericksburg Green Party Coordinator


Local party : http://fredericksburg.vagreenparty.org (especially check 
out the "Student Green Resources" links here 

State party : http://www.vagreenparty.org

National party : http://www.gp.org


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